

I’m so grateful for these wonderful reviews. It shows my work brings joy.

PAINT LIKE Willem De Kooning: I learned so much about abstract art, the artist and the process while taking Painting like Willem De Kooning. Elisabeth’s style of teaching, her attentiveness and her encouraging yet honest input made this a wonderful class. Though it is a virtual class, she is able to create connection and enhance the sharing of ideas and opinions. Input from others was educational and fun. Elisabeth’s insight and knowledge goes far beyond the topic of the class. She also provides valuable tips and techniques for future projects. Her positivity, energy level and genuine desire to educate make her an exceptional teacher.
Eleen S.
I was amazed by what I learned in just one day of Elisabeth's Intuitive Painting Workshop. Her guidance enabled me to truly express myself with true freedom without self criticism.
I believe that everyone who wants to promote their creativity and express themselves freely would benefit greatly from her classes.

Anna Tobon
I took the one day Intuitive Painting Workshop with Elisabeth and enjoyed it tremendously. It accomplished my goal of loosening up my painting style and not being my own worst critic ... but rather enjoy the process and don't judge. I truly think it has changed my attitude when I approach any art work ... motto now ... ENJOY and don't judge and don't think too much
PLAY WITH ABSTRACTION Elisabeth's Abstract class offered many excellent tips and examples about the wildly artistic processes artists use to create. the discipline of making time to experiment, to look and truly observe, to feel and express that feeling and the courage to scrap en re-do work, this was encouraging and underscored the critical importance of the process of creativity. Viewing works by fellow students and the accompanying conversations and critiques were equally important and insightful. I loved the experience and will pursue more classes with her.
PLAY WITH ABSTRACTION Painting with Elisabeth Vismans is a thoroughly enjoyable experience focused on learning and having fun. She has mastered teaching via zoom to provide instruction on painting techniques with emphasis on brush strokes and action painting suitable to understanding in this particular course the approach of Willem de Kooning…. as well as color palette creation and composition. She is a positive and motivating teacher with a critical eye in reviewing student work and appreciating individual styles of each student. Her classes offer the opportunity to learn and improve regardless of previous experience in a relaxing and stimulating environment.
Leo Coco
WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE - ALSO FOR LIFE. I want to thank Elisabeth for her wonderful class on Visual Journaling. I have incorporated it into my meditative exercises. It gives me insights into the things that are sticky in my life. She has a host of exercises and together with the class -- even by Zoom -- we were able to connect and explore art , our minds, and what challenges us.
Anita Albertson
Visual Journaling
VISUAL JOURNALING is a great tool for self exploration. Elisabeth Vismans is a gifted artist and a skilled life coach who has put together an experience that offers both the pleasure of discovery and insight. Her simple guidance leads you into meditative drawing that provides meaningful images that lead to understanding, especially when augmented by comments from other participants. Highly recommended.
Jane DeMouy
I took the class of visual journaling with Elisabeth on April- May 2020. I really enjoyed the class. Really liked how she guided the discussion and brought attention to what was on the paper intuitively. Very encouraging helpful in one getting in touch with themselves in a healing way. Would take such class again if have the opportunity. Soraya
Soraya Madani
I took a class with Elisabeth Vismans this spring (2019) on abstracting flowers which I enjoyed very much. I feel I actually made some progress painting with acrylics, and I was pleased with the results. Elisabeth gently encourages her students out of some of their bad habits and helps them to paint more freely.
Sue Mason
I've taken a number of classes with Elisabeth and love her approach to combining instruction and knowledge with freedom for her students to follow their instincts and intuition. Definitely encourage others to try her classes -- I have learned a lot and love tapping into the joy of creating.
Julie Kaplan
I enjoyed Elisabeth's intuitive painting class very much. I was suprised by the impact that it had on my awareness of my thinking about myself. I found the exercise in the begining very useful helping us to loosen up in order to let go and create. It was a very meaningful experience. Words fall short to describe this wonderful class. I would love to do it again.
Lisa Schlesinger
Since my adolescent years, I have been struggling with a sense of doubt that questions my motives and beliefs in anything and everything, causing stress, anxiety, blockage, etc. I am also a stubborn person with strict sense of rights and wrongs. Coaching with Elisabeth has allowed me to pin down my core values and to open up to the universe. Life also has painful moments and we often adapt to them by just making small changes to our belief systems that are not necessarily useful anymore. Even with small changes those unnecessary beliefs become burdensome. Elisabeth has helped me understand my priorities to be able to become open to necessary changes and to the path that the Universe brings to us. I am continuing to work on my patience and following a path that the Universe brings to me rather than forcing my path on the Universe.
Rezwan Badhan
This was my first painting class -- and I learned how to paint! I learned a lot of the basics of brush strokes, composition, color values, and mixing colors. Elisabeth provides great feedback so you can learn and gain confidence. She inspired me to continue to paint. She is a wonderful artist.
Jane Brookstein
GREAT !! Thank you for the workshop! I'm glad I tried it! I didn't realize until now that you can learn about yourself by painting. It was an opportunity to think about who I am, what I do and what my motivations are deep down. When I came home, I bought supplies so I can paint at home! I will definitely go back, especially if there is a longer workshop." I want to do more ... for sure ? ... thanks for the opportunity ... LOVED it !!
Hi Elisabeth, just wanted to share something with you.  In my meditation this morning, I saw a group of women doing yoga at the feet of a Black Madonna (you can Google “Black Madonna” if you want to know more about these mysterious figures). Afterward, I sat down with some watercolors and in 5 minutes threw out the attached sketch. I was going to put it into my journal and was wondering how to annotate it so that it would make sense.  Immediately the words “Kundalini Rising” came to me. Clearly my experience with you and the group yesterday had something to do with this visual — and the words that came with it — popping into my head. Thanks for giving me some much needed courage to capture what I saw/felt freely, without being bound up by the chains of self-judgement. Before yesterday I never ever would have tried to sit down after meditation and capture an image or a feeling quickly in visual form. The workshop obviously loosened something up for me! You are doing great work in the world!
Nan D.
One of the most important things Elisabeth helped me with was identifying my values–something I already knew deep down but wasn’t acting on. Elisabeth guided me on how I can “live my values” in an intentional way. This sounds simple–and like something we all probably learned long ago–but it was surprising for me to see how little self-awareness I actually had about this. Living my values has helped me to move forward with decisions about the direction of my career, and it’s impacted my relationship with my kids in a positive way (my daughter told me recently that she and her brother find it easier to talk to me now). Being mindful of my values has also helped me to understand why I do/don’t want certain people in my life and to feel confident and positive about those choices.
Susan Jansen
Thank you Elisabeth for a great workshop. I wasn’t sure what to expect out of this class but I walked away and was eager to paint again. You helped me start to silence the inner critique that has been talking very loud these past few years. Once I get my studio set up I will reach out to schedule some one on one sessions. Thank you and talk soon, Yellow Barn | MD
It was a joy to be part of this experience. You are an amazing teacher and I'm very grateful to you. I will keep you posted on my painting and look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Yellow Barn
Mary D.
Amazing time with Elisabeth today, so glad I got the chance to work with her! I would highly recommend taking a class/workshop with Elisabeth. My fears of doing something new quickly faded when I met her. I left feeling lighter, inspired and awakened. Thank you Elisabeth! Frederick | MD
Louse Frey
This was the first painting class I've ever taken and it was the perfect way to start.  I was hesitant at first, but started finding my style after just a few classes.  I will definitely keep painting!! Thanks!  I will try to take your next class or one of your workshops in the future! Glen Echo | MD
Donna D.
It gives me great pleasure to write this Testimonial as Elisabeth Vismans truly has a gift in Art and even just as profound is her ability to teach.  Her Expressive Painting Class focused on Intuitive painting from within in an effort to develop confidence, self-exploration and to be open.  There was no pressure "to produce" anything at all -- only to appreciate our own "work of art."   Our class was urged to recognize our behavior patterns :  rigid or perfect -- whatever,  and to think about what tendencies show up in our work or clothes.  Free expression for me was odd and difficult, but as I progressed,  I  felt more and more comfortable.  I became "bolder" and less "timid' !!  We were encouraged to find our own painting style/voice.  Elisabeth wanted us to "enjoy the process"  and  have an open mind, go out of our comfort zone and let go of self-judgment.  As I did just that, I was happier and more free-spirited !!  She like to say :  Be courageous !  Trust yourself !  I so appreciated the opportunity to have found this class and our instructor, Elisabeth Vismans, who makes you feel valued for being  YOURSELF !!
Mary G.
Elisabeth provided me with helpful insights that I will use as I make a significant change in my life. I particularly appreciated a metaphor she gave me to use as a guide. The painting provided a way for me to open up, and the coaching afterwards deepened the effects.
Telecommunications Professional, Colorado
Elisabeth, thanks for a wonderful day! I really shifted and so did something I was working on. Denver, CO
Thanks for a wonderful class! This class was SO much more than what I was expecting! It opened my creativity and let me see that I had been blocked in my ability to be playful and full of life! Thanks for helping me continue on my journey to live each day to it’s fullest potential! Love and Light Louisville, CO
Angela D.
Elisabeth, I really enjoyed the workshop. I found your emphasis on "the process" rather than the finished product, to be very liberating, and just what I needed. Thank you for offering such a workshop and for your gentle, but encouraging coaching style. Frederick, MD
Prior to Elisabeth’s intuitive painting/coaching workshop, my creativity was blocked like a closed clamshell. Her one-day workshop pried open that creativity and let it release like a gusher of free-flowing energy. The goal was not to paint pretty pictures, so the experience went from being performance-based like most art classes, to feelings-based like therapy. The workshop was like months and months of therapy, realizations, and understanding all wrapped into one day. It was a beautiful experience, and one that I repeat in my dreams from time to time. I can’t wait to repeat it in real-life; Elisabeth’s gentle way but very keen and deep observations really helped me go deep within myself. I felt as though I really got in touch with my subconscious mind, and her coaching and training as a professional and talented artist allowed me to come into full contact with myself in a very profound way through art. I would highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to improve themselves, unlock their creative energy, develop and grow into a more whole person, and let go of the past for a brighter future. NYC
Catherine H.
Elisabeth, yesterday's class was spectacular! It was so freeing that I was emotionally drained, because I came home and fell into a deep and restful sleep for a couple of hours. For me, it's not about the outcome, but the journey itself. And, I can't wait to replicate this process in the next class!
Elisabeth is wonderful to work with. She genuinely cares about helping you discover your deepest values and is highly perceptive. She guides you to that discovery through a process that is both in-depth and gentle. If you are interested in growing through the coaching process, especially if you have never tried it before (like me), I'd encourage you to start by having a chat with her! Thanks, Elisabeth!
Hi Elisabeth! I think value definition is one of the highlights in your coaching! It’s the core to one’s being. Knowing what’s important to me has really shaped firmly who I am today. It’s really grounded me for everything from making friends to job search.” I’m so proud of her!! Tokyo
COACHING IN DUTCH LANGUAGE: Elisabeth is a very warm hearted and authentic coach. Her empathy with me as her client was resilient, creative and intuitive. Her knowledge of deep coaching brought me to a different perspective to move forward in my life and also as a CPCC coach myself. Thank you so much Elisabeth, keep up that positivity, aliveness and passion. Abu Dhabi
Thank you for having me in your class and for reintroducing me to the pleasure of painting. My last formal art training was 40 years ago in elementary school. You welcomed me and created a warm and nurturing environment for me to unleash the creativity that I didn’t even know existed. What a pleasure to explore painting without being hindered by my lack of skill or fear of criticism. I look forward to taking another class with you in the fall. Yellow Barn in Glen Echo class participant
Catherine Bourassa
Elisabeth, thank you again for a wonderful and enlightening class yesterday. While just “being” with the word “chaos”, that I used several times yesterday, I have had a new shift in perception regarding it. That unfamiliar, unknown, beginning of a painting (and actually the whole process if not fully planned out) I now sense and embrace as “unstructured beauty” rather than chaos. I needed to remove “chaos” from my being and create harmony within even if it is not “structured”. I can see and feel the beauty in the random-ness and jumble of strokes on the canvas even if they are not fully ordered and under “control”. This opens a new awareness for me as I begin new art pieces. This shift has been percolating for about a month. Several things came together to bring it closer to the light. Yesterday’s class allowed me to bring it to the canvas with paint and my hands. I tighten up with the brush, so I am going to play (!) with other painting tools as I create. Thanks again! Louisville, CO
Elisabeth Vismans is the creativity muse that you’ve been waiting for! By working in multiple modalities, and approaching her work with lightness and intuition, she’ll help you break through your mental brick walls. I loved her Process Painting workshop and even more, the way Elisabeth allowed me to discover what was inside of me that was unspoken, yet oh so powerful. Louisville CO
Carol Ross
Career Coach and Author
What a blessing to find Instructor Elisabeth Vismans and her aptly named Transformational Art Workshop. A few well-chosen words from Elisabeth, a few nudges and whispers, and I experienced a new freedom and a new happiness in my creative process. Thank you! Rockville, Maryland
Process painting on the phone … yes! It really works. I engaged Elisabeth to do process painting on the phone. I had no previous experience and no painting experience either. Elisabeth coached me on the steps to take. Then I followed her instructions and painted a picture. I took a photo of it, emailed it to her and then called her back. We talked about what I had painted, my feelings and observations … and about what I could add to my painting. Then I painted some more, sent her pictures and called her again. The process was easy and fun! And what a great way to explore and give expression to things that don’t always have words! Process painting has opened me up to new aspects of my own creativity, as well as allowing me to explore myself and my feelings, especially regarding some major changes and challenges in my life. I am looking at them now from a new, fresh perspective that feels more spacious. I have lots of choices and I can see more of them now. Thank you Elisabeth! Moving Business Objectives into implementation | Colorado
Laura A. Drury
After a couple of months of regular coaching sessions I decided to take the process painting workshop and in both Elisabeth excelled in creating a safe environment where I could freely explore and express myself. The value clarification in coaching made me realize what is truly important to me in life and led to my life purpose statement, that in turn is a beacon of light for me to go to. In the painting for process workshop – without judgment – I was able to make visible what I really felt inside, to be creative without any worries, just having a good time. Over the years I have taken a few painting classes but this way of painting is a whole different matter. It is a perfect vehicle to silence my inner critic and to give me more confidence in making decisions in my career, with my family. Elisabeth’s guidance with the coaching as well as the process painting is strong, intuitive and life changing. N. El-Kassar, M.D., PhD | Rockville, MD
Naher El-Kassar
M.D., PhD
have become more in touch with a part of me that has been suppressed for so long. You made me listen to the child within and what makes it excited about life! It is a constant work trying to address the unique things I love and admire. It isn’t an easy road given the reality of life but with your guidance and help the far fetched dreams aren’t dreams; they will be part of my real life. Thank you for training me how to get them. Washington DC
Fatima A.
Even if you think you know everything about yourself, you’ll be surprised to find out otherwise through life coaching. As long as you keep your ears, eyes and heart open, coaching will help you see things from different perspectives. Elisabeth has encouraged me to focus on the things that I wish for and ways to achieve them with her positive outlook! NYC
N. Sakai
I love having Elisabeth as my Life Coach. It is great to know that there is someone on my side and willing to work me through any situation. We are typically brainstorming ways to enhance my quality of life. Elisabeth has a fine balance of listening and guiding. Denver, CO
Jill Merk
Elisabeth, I am writing to tell you that I so truly appreciate the coaching I get from you more than you could know. I started this process with you, a mere 6 weeks ago, and since that time I have been able to see some of the significant change I wanted to achieve. The work that gets done almost always leads me to an energized place that guides me back to my creative self that seemed all but lost. When this process came to me recommended by a friend, I had no idea that I would benefit the way I have. I am not saying ‘good bye’ but ‘thank you’ and I look forward to continue to enjoy and reap more of the rewards of this unique process. Warmly and with gratitude,
Jim Felice
Working with Elisabeth has been a wonderful experience! Her approach is of a practical nature; she is down to earth and personable. Elisabeth kept me on my toes and we were able to get to the core of the issues that kept me from taking my life to the next level; she worked with me to develop a plan of action to achieve my goals. Highly recommended! Denver
Lucas Boyd
I love Elisabeth’s energy! She is so in the moment and time and time again she is able to bring you back to your core self. Elisabeth is committed to healing! She is a great coach! Pasadena CA
Astrid Wiewel
Elisabeth…your ideas on marketing my oil paintings along with ways to approach galleries and shows has been extremely helpful. If you had not encouraged me or shown me how to find my way through the maze of possibilities I would not have put myself out there. Thank you for getting me started.
COACHING IN DUTCH LANGUAGE: By working with creative expression Elisabeth has helped me to get in touch with unconscious processes. Using the visual language brought them to the surface so that I was able to verbalize and deal with them. It enabled me to quickly come to the core of the matter opening pathways to move forward in a constructive way. I loved it, deep and inspiring to work with her as my coach.
Just finished a wonderful painting class with Elisabeth Vismans entitled Painting Flowers. There was instruction on brushstrokes, color, and tone, as well as the steps to starting and completing a painting. Elisabeth was fabulous at helping you discover and feel comfortable with your own style of painting. She was really encouraging in her critiques of my work and gave constructive suggestions for improvement. I highly recommend taking a course with Elisabeth.
Lisa Stark
Intuitive painting/life coaching, led by an intuitive teacher created magic for me. My hands are itching to paint again, and I’m a word person! So excited to keep playing, and tapping into this new form of expression. Thank you Elisabeth! Will definitely take another class with you.
Denise Keyes
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