Art Gallery

Oil Paintings

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Artist Statement

I draw inspiration from the beauty of nature, the interplay of light and shadow, and the vibrant spectrum of colors that surround us. Oil paint is my preferred medium due to its rich texture and the endless possibilities it offers for creating stunning hues. With a keen eye for detail, I meticulously explore the nuances of light and dark, warm and cool tones, and the dynamic contrast between transparent and opaque colors.

My artistic style is best characterized as expressive, bordering on impressionistic, brimming with vitality and color. I have a penchant for creating large abstract pieces, though I also enjoy capturing the essence of figures, flowers, dogs, landscapes, and other organic subjects. Cityscapes are rarely featured in my work, as I’m drawn more to natural forms and shapes.

I thrive on experimentation and constantly push myself beyond my comfort zone. Each painting presents a new challenge to overcome, a puzzle to solve. Throughout my creative process, I embrace intuition, allowing it to guide my artistic decisions and infuse my work with spontaneity and energy.

For me, painting is an endless quest for discovery and joy, where each canvas is a new adventure waiting to unfold.



Dog Portraits (commissions accepted)




Intuitive Paintings - Tempera on Paper

My paintings can be found in many private collections.

I’ve participated in numerous juried and member shows, as well as solo shows in Maryland, Virginia and Colorado. And won many awards. 

My latest solo show was in the Yellow Barn, Glen Echo, MD in November of 2019.

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